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CSS List-Style-Type Property |
The list-style-type property lets you specify a marker for the list. For unordered lists, the following list-style-type values are available: If no value is specified for an unordered list, disc is the default. For ordered lists, the possible values for list-style-type are as follows: Several examples are shown below: Example 1: Ordered list with upper-roman style CSS Declaration
The following HTML code,
results in the following,
In Example 1, the ordered list is shown using upper-case Roman numerals. Example 2: Ordered list with decimal-leading-zero style CSS Declaration
The following HTML code,
results in the following,
In Example 2, the list is ordered numerically, with a zero to the left of the number. Note this only applies to the first nine items on the list. Starting with the tenth item, there is no longer a zero to the left of the number. In other words, the tenth item shows up as "10." and not "010." Example 3: Unordered list CSS Declaration
The following HTML code,
results in the following,
In Example 3, the bullet point is represented by a square. | > List-style-type
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