Check Server Load On Shared Host Using PHP

If you are using a shared hosting plan to host your website, chances are that you are sharing the same server with hundreds, and maybe even thousands, of other domains. Does this lead to performance issues? Quite possibly. But how do you check for that? Many hosting companies will post server status, but all that really gives you is whether the server is up or down. Server status does not tell you what’s the load on the server.

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Adsense testing with PHP

One advice people always give for webmasters in the Google Adsense program is to test ad placement, color scheme, etc. A common test is the A/B test. There are several articles talking about how to set up such a test using either Javascript or PHP, and they invariably involve the use of a random number generator to determine whether a visitor would fall under the control group or the test group. Even Google’s official Adsense blog talks about it.

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